If you’ve been on a hunt for homemade healthy treats, chances are you’ve come across almond flour recipes quite a few times.

Have you ever tried any of those recipes? If yes, then you’ve probably noticed that almond flour recipes yield tender and fluffy baked goods that easily rival conventional ones.

But what exactly is almond flour? Can you use it just like you would use regular wheat flour? And, if you’re not familiar with almond flour recipes, what can you make using almond flour?

I’ll cover all these questions in this article. And I’ll share my favorite almond flour recipes. Plus, you’ll discover why it’s not a good idea to overdo almond flour.


What is almond flour?

It’s not a type of milled flour: almond flour simply consists of almonds that have been finely ground into a powder.

The almonds are usually blanched first and the skins removed. This is why almond flour is typically very soft and fine with a uniformly bright color.

Almond flour vs. Almond meal – can you use them interchangeably in almond flour recipes?

It depends on what kind of recipe we’re talking about.

You see, almond meal is a coarser version of almond flour and usually still contains the almonds’ skins. This makes the end product denser.

Since almond meal is heavier, you’ll want to use it in recipes that call for less than 1/2 cup of almond flour.

For instance, almond meal works better when:

  • Breading meat
  • Making dense cakes (such as fruit cake)
  • Preparing some pie crusts and cookie recipes

On the other hand, since almond flour is very light, it gives a yummy texture to:

  • Muffins
  • Airy cookies
  • Coffee cakes
  • Chewy cookies

Note: Almond flour recipes that call for quite a large amount of wet ingredients may require adding in a starch or coconut flour.

Making your own almond flour

I don’t buy almond flour because:

i. The fats in the flour will probably be oxidized by the time I get the bag. Who knows how long it’s been sitting on the shelves at the grocery store?
You see, the hard-outer shell and skin of the almond protect its delicate fats and vitamin E from heat, light, and oxygen. Stripping the almond of its protective coating and grounding it into flour makes these nutrients more vulnerable to oxidative damage.

ii. It’s SO easy to make. And you can easily make some almond flour only when you feel like trying almond flour recipes.

iii. Almond flour recipes typically call for a large amount of flour. Since almond flour is very expensive here, these recipes aren’t very budget-friendly.

So, before you go out and buy almond flour, why not check out the video below next time you feel like trying almond flour recipes?

Almonds can be part of a healthy diet…

Almonds often get a bad rap because people still believe that eating fat ‘makes you fat!’

But the truth is that almonds won’t make you gain weight unless:
• You’re intolerant or allergic to almonds.
• You have an autoimmune disease and almonds are one of the foods that trigger your immune system.
• You’re eating ‘shovels’ of almonds on a regular basis (that’s quite easy to do considering that almond flour recipes call for a lot of almonds).

So, what makes almonds healthy?

Well, let’s see what’s in 1 cup (143g) of whole almonds:
• Calories: 828kcal
• Fat: 71.40g (including 17.63g and 45.118g of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats respectively)
• Carbohydrate: 30.82g
• Protein: 30.24g*
• Fiber: 17.9g
• Potassium: 1,048mg
• Calcium: 385mg
• Iron: 5.31mg
• Zinc: 4.46mg
• Vitamin E: 36.65mg
• Riboflavin: 1.627mg
• Niacin: 5.174mg
• Folate: 63µg

*Note: Some people will tell you that almonds are rich in protein. But what they fail to consider is that the protein in almonds (and all plants) is not easy to digest. Hence, the body won’t be able to use all of that protein.

How about the oxalates and phytates in almonds?

Yes, almonds are high in oxalates and phytates. (Oxalates and phytates are anti-nutrients found in nuts, seeds, grains, and many veggies.)

And yes, these anti-nutrients can bind with minerals thus making it harder for the body to use these minerals.

However, these are concentrated in the almond’s skin which is typically removed before grounding the almonds into flour.

What if you make your own flour?

You could soak your almonds overnight and then remove the skin. This way you’ll get rid of some of the oxalates and phytates.

And what about those people who say that almond flour can make you overeat?

Some say that almond flour recipes can skew perception about quantity.

But this shouldn’t come as a surprise. I mean, you barely need to chew almond flour. And any kind of pre-chewed food (be it other types of flours or smoothies) will definitely skew the body’s ability to assess how many calories you are ingesting.

Moreover, like most baked goods, almond flour recipes are delicious. And when something tastes good, your body will produce more dopamine. In some people, this can translate in wanting to eat more.

What you can do about it: Keep almond recipes as treats to enjoy when you are not ravenous. And be present whenever you’re eating (i.e. just eat; don’t watch TV, listen to music, read, or work while eating).

But you still don’t want to go crazy with almond flour recipes

The reason is simple: almond flour is very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

Eating one or two almond flour cookies, once in a while, won’t hurt (unless you can’t tolerate almonds). But if you overdo PUFAs, this could increase inflammation in your body.

Final thoughts before I give a snapshot of my favorite almond flour recipes: almonds (about 7) make great snacks but almond flour recipes should be kept as treats to be consumed occasionally.

A. Bread, Naan, Rolls, And Buns

1. Banana Bread

Almond flour recipes that feature mashed bananas, lemon juice, and chocolate chips have got to be the best! Don’t you think?

Suggested modifications:
• Ran out of honey? Replace it with some coconut sugar.

• Boost the amazing flavor of your bread by adding a little ground cinnamon and some pure vanilla extract.

Serving suggestion: This bread tastes awesome when eaten with some peanut butter, cacao nibs or some cranberry sauce.

Great to know:
• Excited about baking this bread but don’t have 3 mini loaf pans? No problem! Use a regular sized loaf pan and bake your bread at 325 F for about 45 minutes.

• Using a Vitamix instead of a stand mixer makes it a little tough to mix all the ingredients. But don’t worry, you’ll still end up with a super tasty banana bread.

• If you don’t have a stand mixer, you can still hand whisk and mix the batter.

• Want to transform your banana bread into muffins? Divide your batter evenly into 12 muffin tins. Proceed by baking them at 325 F for 20 minutes.

Tip: Subbing almond flour with some almond meal will give you different results.

2. Indian Naan

If you’ve never tasted an Indian bread before, you’re definitely missing out big time! Almond flour recipes that are combined with tapioca flour and full-fat coconut milk are definitely keepers.

Suggested modification: Instead of using canned coconut milk, make a big batch homemade coconut milk. Keep it in the freezer for when you’ll need it.

Great to know:
• Thinking of freezing some bread and pulling it out when in a time crunch? Yes, that’s doable. Just wrap each naan individually in some plastic wrap and seal it in a zip lock bag or airtight bag. When you want to take one out of the freezer, just thaw it and heat it on a pan.

• If you follow the recipe exactly as it is, you’ll have five 6-inch round pieces.

Tip: Don’t have time to wait for your naan to slowly cook on a pan? Send it in the oven at 400 F for about 15 minutes.

3. Cauliflower Rolls

I’m sure cauli buns like this one will soon become one of your favorite almond flour recipes. These beautiful rolls feature coconut flour, eggs, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, and some seasoning.

Great to know:
• Wondering how to make your crust without eggs? Just replace each egg with 1 tablespoon of chia seeds or flax seeds + 3 tablespoons of water. Let the mixture stand for 10-15 minutes until it becomes thick and quite sticky.

• You don’t have to cook your cauliflower before grating it. Just grate it raw.

Tip: Ended up with a pretty wet batter? Adding some more coconut flour will do the trick. Add one tablespoon at a time until you obtain the desired consistency.

4. Hamburger Buns

I know, I know. These hamburger buns aren’t made with almond flour. They’re just so delicious that I couldn’t stop myself from including it among the other almond flour recipes. All you need to do is sub the cassava flour with 1 to 1½ cup almond flour.

The only issue with this recipe is that it lists baking powder in the ingredient list.

The problem with baking powder is that it contains corn starch which, even in tiny amounts, can cause issues for people with autoimmune conditions. Plus, many brands contain aluminum which can worsen autoimmune flares.

Suggested modification: Instead of baking powder, use baking soda and lemon juice or vinegar instead. As a rule of thumb, for every teaspoon of baking powder, use ¼ teaspoon of baking soda plus 1 ½ teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar.

B. Pancakes, Crepes, Waffles, And Pies

5. Almond Flour Pancakes

Not a huge fan of pancakes? I get you. But trust me, just seeing these light and fluffy pancakes will make your mouth water. Pancakes paired with pomegranate syrup. Yum!

Suggested modifications:
• As mentioned earlier, you’ll want to avoid using baking powder. Use baking soda and lemon juice or vinegar instead. Since this recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use ¼ teaspoon of baking soda plus 1 ½ teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar.

• Ran out of almond milk? Sub it with some coconut milk or even plain water. Note: Making your pancakes with water will give you a thinner batter but your pancakes will still be light and fluffy.

Serving suggestion: Add some chopped bananas, apples or fresh berries on top of your pancakes.

Great to know:
• This recipe yields 9 small pancakes and is usually more than enough for 2 persons.

• Want to prep these with some regular cow milk? You sure can if you tolerate dairy. Just make sure to get a brand that’s full-fat and grass-fed.

• Almond flour and almond milk sweeten up these pancakes quite nicely. So, there’s absolutely no need to add in some honey or coconut sugar.

• Want to have these pancakes in the morning but you’re always on the rush? Prep your batter ahead of time and cook all of it. The next day, you’ll just have to reheat them.

• If your pancakes fell apart when you cooked them, remember to use some additional almond flour next time.

Tip: The batter for these pancakes is quite runny. The key is to cook them over medium heat for a while. If you’d prefer a thicker batter, feel free to add some more almond meal until you obtain the desired consistency.

6. Single-Serving Crepe

Almond flour. Almond milk. Ground flaxseed. Eggs. Honey. Cinnamon. Vanilla. All these mixed together and topped with some peanut butter, chocolate chips and sliced bananas. Almond flour recipes like this one are ‘to-die-for’, right?

Great to know: Don’t have a crepe skillet? No worries. Just use the biggest skillet that you have.

Tip: Make sure to have a very thin layer of batter in your skillet. If you have a small skillet, make 2 crepes instead of just one.

7. Almond Flour Waffles

This 6-ingredient waffles are, hands down, one of the best almond flour recipes you could bite in. Top them with what your heart desires and they’ll taste exactly like conventional crispy, full of flavor waffles!

Great to know: Depending on the size of your waffle iron, you may end up with 3 medium sized waffles (instead of 6 to 8).

8. Heirloom Tomato Pie

Looking for almond flour recipes that can be rapidly prepared during weeknight dinners? This tomato pie fits the bill perfectly. Cashews, minced garlic, fresh basil, lemon juice, and cherry tomatoes are the super stars in this heirloom tomato pie.

C. Biscuits, Crackers, And Cookies – Original Almond Flour Recipes

9. One Bowl Biscotti

Almond flour, egg white, honey, tapioca starch, and baking soda are all you need for a succulent batch of these biscotti. A great recipe for late afternoon snacks!

Suggested modification: Replace the maple syrup with some honey instead.

Did you know? The perfect match for biscotti is coffee. So, next time you make some, you definitely need to try dipping some of your biscuit into your coffee before eating it. Now, I’m talking about freshly ground coffee not the instant types or those with a bucket of sugar in it.

10. Almond Thins Crackers

Three dozen of salty crackers made using almond flour, garlic powder, onion powder, and Celtic sea salt. Are you in? Finally, some healthy crunchy crackers that need to be saved in your stash of almond flour recipes!

Suggested modifications:
• Don’t have Celtic sea salt? Sub it with some unrefined sea salt or some Himalayan salt.

• Ran out of onion powder? Use some nutritional yeast instead.

• Add some freshly grated Parmesan cheese and some dill for a spectacular taste.

Great to know:
• If some of your crackers are thinner than others, remember to remove them from the oven earlier to prevent them from burning.

• Although you’ll be tempted to use a whole egg, just don’t do that. Using egg yolks together with the white will give you a wet, sticky mess.

• After you’ve rolled out your dough, keep it as is for a pizza crust. Once you’ve baked it, send it in the broiler for 2 to 3 minutes.

Tip: The secret to having perfectly baked crackers is to get the hang of rolling them out as evenly as you can.

11. Thin Mints Chocolate Cookies

If you’ve been dreaming of chocolate cookies filled with peppermint extract and chocolate chips, here’s your chance! These minty cookies are almost as good as the real deal.

But this recipe contains palm shortening!

‘Palm shortening’ sounds really unhealthy, right? I mean we keep hearing that hydrogenated fats are nasty! And they are. But palm shortening isn’t hydrogenated and it gives a great texture to baked goods.

So, you can use palm shortening but just make sure to check the ingredients on the product first just to ensure that it is pure and contains no added vegetable oil.

Or you could use grass-fed butter if you tolerate dairy.

Great to know: Too lazy to roll the dough out? I hear you! Just flatten the little balls of dough with a small container (or your hands!) and you’re ready to go.

12. Pizzookies

If pizza is already your favorite food ever, then, you’ll love it even more as a cookie. A super fun way of kicking off the weekend!

Suggested modification: Use 2/5 teaspoon of baking soda and 2 ½ teaspoons of lemon juice instead of 1 ¾ teaspoons of baking powder.

Great to know: If you plan to eat your pizzookies throughout the week, put the frosting on it just before serving.

Serving suggestion: Add a touch of yumminess to your cookies by topping them with some peanut butter, chocolate, and almond flakes.

D. Scones and Crisps

13. Lemony Scones

Almond flour recipes like this one are always a hit. Why? Well, that’s because tart and sweet flavors combine in each bite leaving you with an out-of-this-world taste.

Suggested modifications:
• Replace the maple syrup with some raw honey.

• Add a touch of pure almond extract for some almondy goodness.

Serving suggestion: Top your scones with some lemon curd for a luscious dessert.

14. Baked Zucchini Crisps

Seriously, these crisps are pure perfection. Just look at them. Aren’t they the most delicious looking zucchinis that you’ve ever laid your eyes on? They’re perfect for weekend snacks.

Great to know:
• Feel free to refrigerate any leftovers as these crisps taste great cold as well.

• Add 3 teaspoons of shredded coconut to your batter and spread it on some boneless and skinless chicken thighs. And there you are! Succulent crispy chicken.

E. Cakes

15. Cherry and Coconut Cakes

Sweet potato cake topped with cherries, lemon juice, desiccated coconut, and honey. Who could ask for a better treat?

Suggested modification: Again, sub the maple syrup with some raw honey.

 Tip: If your dough is too wet, add 1 to 3 tablespoons of almond flour to it.

16. Vanilla Cake

Who doesn’t love some vanilla cake from time to time? Blanched almond flour, almond milk, coconut flour, coconut oil, eggs, lemon juice, vanilla extract, and honey, are the key ingredients in this recipe.

Great to know: Swapping the almond milk with regular cow milk will make your cake a bit fluffier and moister. That’s because cow’s milk has more protein compared to pure almond milk.

F. Cupcakes and Brownies

17. Strawberry Shortcakes

If you’ve never tried baking shortcakes before, you’re missing out big time! Almond flour recipes like this one makes eating clean so easy (and yummy!)

18. Almond Flour Brownies

This list of almond flour recipes would be incomplete without brownies. These brownies are so dense and chewy that you’ll have to pull yourself away. Yes! They’re that good!

19. Ganache Brownies

Fabulously moist and delicious brownies topped with semi-sweet chocolate, coconut oil, and flaky sea salt. Want to make your own?

Great to know:
• Using almond meal instead of blanched almond flour will make your brownies crunchier.

• Don’t have cacao powder on hand? Feel free to grind some cacao nibs very finely until you obtain a powder that has the same consistency as cacao powder.

G. Muffins

20. Caramel and Chocolate Muffins

Once you bite into these yummy muffins, you won’t go back to the store-bought ones. A perfect treat for kids and adults alike.

Suggested modification: Instead of using 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use ¼ teaspoon of baking soda plus 1½ teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar.

21. Fruity Muffins

Running short of healthy treats? How about giving this recipe a try? Made with a mixture of fresh winter pears and cranberries, these fruity muffins are absolutely perfect for littles ones (or even yourself!).

Suggested modification: Instead of using ½ teaspoon of baking powder, use ⅛ teaspoon of baking soda plus ¾ teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar.

22. Pumpkin Muffins

This isn’t your usual muffin recipe: these yummy honey-sweetened chocolate muffins are flavored with some vanilla extract and pumpkin pie spice.

H. Pizza and Quiche

23. White Pizza

Do you love white pizzas that are loaded with caramelized onions? Or maybe you prefer pizzas that are loaded with cheese and tomatoes? Check out this article to discover a list of healthy versions of pizzas that you could try.

 Suggested modification: Instead of using 1 teaspoon of baking powder, use ¼ teaspoon of baking soda plus 1 ½ teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar.

24. Creamy Quiche

What makes this quiche so special is the crumbled goat cheese, arugula, and sliced Cremini mushrooms. Not a fan of mushrooms? Check out this article for a cheesy broccoli quiche bursting with flavor.

So, what are your favorite almond flour recipes?

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