15. Comfrey
Get some Comfrey growing in your garden if you want a plant that can help wounds heal and bones mend. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties, and also because of a chemical compound called allantoin which may provide additional benefits.
This isn’t a plant that you’ll want to ingest or make a tea from, simply use it externally by placing its leaves directly on the area, or making a poultice out of it.
Planting and Care Instructions
Your local nursery is the best place to go to get started with Comfrey, as the germination process is rather involved and takes 2 years in some cases. Once you have the plant in place water it regularly, but don’t stress if your forget because Comfrey isn’t picky.
16. Basil
Basil is not just a great-tasting herb that will enhance your cooking, it’s loaded with healthy properties that can help in a number of ways. It is an anti-inflammatory, helping any condition caused by or worsened by inflammation in the body.
One of the more pressing reasons to add basil to your herb garden is due to its anti-cancer benefits. The antioxidants it contains help to battle back free radical damage and keep your cells healthy and undamaged.
Planting and Care Instructions
Putting Basil in a spot that gets both regular sun and shade works best, especially if the shade comes in the afternoon. Basil also does well in a container, and is the perfect plant for an herb garden. Be sure to keep the soil moist for best results.
17. Oregano
Another herb that is famous for its ability to improve the taste of a meal, Oregano has some important health benefits that make it a medicinal herb as well. The antimicrobial property of Oregano makes it highly effective against bacteria and fungi in the body.
It also acts as an anti-inflammatory, and because of its high antioxidant count it improves the immune system. It has specific phytochemicals that show promise in the battle against chronic diseases.
Planting and Care Instructions
In most regions you can keep Oregano in full sun, but if you live in the southern zones you may want to make sure that it’s getting some shade each day as well. Keep it watered regularly, but use a well-draining soil to prevent rot.
18. Ginger
Growing Ginger is a good idea if you suffer from gastrointestinal problems, as it has a natural cleansing ability once consumed. It is often used as a remedy for motion sickness, as well as morning sickness for pregnant women.
Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory benefits, and has proven effective against specific disorders. Overall, it is an asset to your immune system, helping to keep you free from a host of diseases and conditions.
Planting and Care Instructions
You can elect to grow ginger in a pot or in the ground, and either way can bring success. You can use fresh ginger root from the store, soak it overnight, and plant it just below the surface if using a pot, or with the buds turned up if planting in the garden.
19. Flaxseed
Growing your own flaxseed is an economical way to get the benefits it contains. Specifically it’s the omega-3s that we’re after. These are the plant-based omega-3, not the kind found in oily fish like salmon. Nonetheless it’s an important component of a healthy diet, and flaxseed contains plenty of it.
Flaxseed is also a quality source of fiber, containing both types of fiber needed daily, insoluble and soluble. The seeds are very small and easily added to a meal or smoothie to get the nutrients it contains.
Planting and Care Instructions
Flax needs full sun, and water them regularly, but lightly. Some parts of the country are better suited for growing Flaxseed than others, and if you live too far south you may have trouble growing it because of the hot temperatures.
20. Blessed Thistle
If you suffer from any sort of digestive problem, you’ll want to make sure to save some space for Blessed Thistle in your garden. It helps keep the digestive system clean, helps the liver to detoxify itself, and works as an anti-inflammatory agent in the body.
You can use up just about all parts of the Blessed Thistle plant, including its stems, leaves, and blossoms. You can also find this in supplement form at health food shops.
Planting and Care Instructions
Plant Blessed Thistle in a sunny spot of your garden, in just about any type soil. Once the flowers bloom you should pick it and either use it up while it’s fresh, or let it dry so you can store it and use it later.
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