26 Foods High in Zinc for Overall Good Health

[hr] [table id=2 /] Zinc is an important mineral for the body, and a deficiency can result in hair loss and diarrhea. The National Institute of Health says that the average adult male should be getting 11 milligrams of zinc each day, and adult females need 8 milligrams daily. It’s important to keep in mind […]

Healthy Vitamin & Mineral Rich Foods

The Standard American Diet leaves much to be desired, and leaves the body shortchanged on many essential vitamins and minerals. Left unchecked these shortages can lead to a malfunctioning of basis systems throughout the body including the digestive system, neurological system, and circulatory system. It’s essential to get a mix of nutrient-rich foods into the […]

24 Almond Flour Recipes That’ll Make You Glad You Ditched Wheat

If you’ve been on a hunt for homemade healthy treats, chances are you’ve come across almond flour recipes quite a few times. Have you ever tried any of those recipes? If yes, then you’ve probably noticed that almond flour recipes yield tender and fluffy baked goods that easily rival conventional ones. But what exactly is […]

Kick Start Your Day With These 21 Nutrient-Dense Breakfast Smoothies

Breakfast smoothies can either set you off for a great day or make you crash at 10am. Especially if you’re buying commercial ones. And that’s a shame because breakfast smoothies are so easy to make. Plus, making them yourself is very cost-effective. The only issues with homemade breakfast smoothies is that you: i. Need to […]

The Top 6 Mighty Health Benefits Of Peanut Butter (+ Recipes)

A popular kitchen staple in cabinets and pantries around the US, and the world, peanut butter is an old-time favorite. In fact, about 90 per cent of American homes stock the tasty spread. But, did you ever ask yourself whether it could actually be healthy, not just a guilty pleasure? Or how best to buy […]

The Healthiest Whole Grains You Aren’t Eating, But Should Be

If you have heard grains don’t belong in a standard diet regimen, you have been deceived. According to Mayo Clinic, whole grains are an extremely important part of a healthy diet. For most people, they provide more benefits than risks. And as long as you know the difference between “good” grains and “bad” grains, you […]

So Much More Than Vitamin C: The Top 9 Health Benefits Of Oranges

These tasty citrus fruits that share their name with their color are thirst quenching, sweet and very popular. But all that aside, there are actually some very powerful health benefits from oranges as well. The summer favorite is packed full of vitamin C, yes, but there is actually far more to the humble orange. Let’s […]

20 Soul Satisfying Liver Recipes that Will Make You Crave for More

Have you ever thought of trying one of the many liver recipes on the net? No? Is it because you can’t get past the ‘Yuck factor’? I get it – liver is an acquired taste. But don’t worry; learning to love liver isn’t really that hard. Especially after you try one of the mouth-watering recipes […]

5 Healthy Meals You Didn’t Know You Could Grill

When the weather’s perfect for firing up the grill, which foods come to mind first? Probably meat — especially good old-fashioned beef burgers and hot dogs. While meat certainly isn’t the enemy, your grill can do a lot more than heat a hamburger or bake a potato. There are so many fruits, vegetables, and other […]