36+ Foods That Heal Common Health Problems

When you’re struggling with a health problem and looking to avoid taking medication to treat it, food is the number one way you have of taking control of the situation. Always consult your doctor for serious medical conditions, but along with their advice you can take steps to improve the situation naturally with nutrient-rich foods.

25 Diabetic-Friendly Foods for Stable Blood Glucose and Overall Health

Sticking to a diet of diabetic-friendly foods is one natural way to help manage your condition and feel as good as possible all day long. If you’re tired of the cycle of eating foods that spike your blood sugar levels, this list will help you avoid those foods and crowd them out with better, more […]

15 Foods High in Iron to Keep You Strong and Healthy

The following foods highest in iron will play a key role in your healthy lifestyle. Getting your daily requirement of iron is important, as iron is involved in so many of the body’s basic functions. These include helping to carry oxygen throughout the body, helping your muscles and brain work at their full capacity, and […]

What Vegetables Are High In Protein? 14 Vegetables Highest in Protein

The following high-protein vegetables will do their best to get you on track to reach your protein requirement for the day. Compared to animal sources, vegetables have a bit of trouble keeping up in the protein department, but there are some that contain respectable amounts of protein. Be sure to calculate your specific protein needs […]